Regional Units Managers/Coordinators:
The very nature of The American Violet Society, that is,
its geographical expanse, works both for and against us.
For example: if we hold a workshop or event on the East
Coast, it becomes difficult for members on the West
Coast or Midwest to attend and vice versa. Add to that
those regional climatic differences that affect our
violet gardening and resource availability.
Do you know of friends or members in your favorite local
garden societies who also like violets? We encourage you
to discuss with them your AVS membership, and suggest
the idea to develop a regional unit. A regional
unit/chapter could turn out to be a great excuse to meet
with your friends on a regular, convivial basis. At such
moments you can discuss violets, organize violet study
groups and plan seasonal meetings! Please be assured
that we can always come to the rescue with guidelines,
materials, special lectures/speakers, etc.
At the present time, the AVS is interested in active
Canadian, Southwest, Southeast, Pacific Northwest,
Northern California, and New England units, but not
necessarily as large! Smaller units within a particular
state are very welcome! .