The Violet Gazette

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Volume 1, Number 1
Winter 2000
On line Version



IVA Members:
             WELCOME to the newly formed AMERICAN VIOLET SOCIETY (AVS) And please accept our apologies for the silence of these last months while various changes were taking place in connection with our former and much loved, International Violet Association (IVA).

             On Sunday, February 28, 1999 and right after the closing of activities of the successful Violet conference held in Toulouse (France), sponsored by the International Violet Association and organized by "'Les Amis de la Violette," a special meeting was held by IVA members and officers present at the event. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss the immediate future of the International Violet Association (IVA). The one issue that was evident to all participants was that both the European and North American memberships' needs, including legal standing and fiscal requirements were decidedly different. Therefore, and in order to help this unique organization survive, major changes were warranted. As a result, a few IVA members in the United States and Canada decided to regroup, and as a first step, create The American Violet Society as a non-profit organization, and define new goals, guidelines and strategies. One major consideration was to emphasize the deserved role of the violet in the horticultural and ecological landscapes of North America. Let us assure you that our new focus on North American violets does not imply cutting ties with violet enthusiasts in Europe and other countries in the world. On the contrary, our connections and interests, as in the past, extend to all areas around the world. In fact, several of our 'foreign' violet friends, internationally known correspondents and experts have agreed to continue with their advisory roles within the new American Violet Society. Similarly, the AVS has been successful in attracting to its Board of Directors key violet experts from national academic center and horticultural circles. Such group of distinguished advisors and contributors can only enhance the work we all do on behalf of violets.

             As we enter this new chapter, there is much in store with regard to our work in the promotion of violets in the United States and abroad. The AVS intends to have a presence around the country by forming regional chapters, and just as before, workshops and special events and much more will continue to be developed.

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