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International Cultivar Authority Registry Of The Genus Viola

Heirloom Single Flowered Violets

Jack Sampson - Juwel

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Jack Sampson – Australia, date unknown. 

No description available.

Jack Simpson – See ‘ Jack Sampson’.

Jean Arnot - J. Arnot, Windward Violet Farm, Dawlish, (Devon) UK

A chance seedling found by Mrs. Jean Arnot and Roy Coombs on the old Windward Violet nursery in Devon and named in Mrs Arnot's honour.

Jen’s Purple – The Fragrant Garden, NSW, Australia.

No description available.

John Raddenbury - Australia. 1895.

Flowers of a bright mid-blue, and good form.  A very vigorous variety with good scent, it has had some success as a recommended cut flower. The only drawback being that it is a little light on flowers in autumn on certain soils, which can also produce a rosy flush to the flowers.

John Whitlesey – See, ‘Reid’s Crimson Carpet’.

Josephine - Kerry Carmen, Masterton, New Zealand.

No description available.

Juwel – Introduced by Teicher, Striegau, Germany.  1932

Dark blue flowers.

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